Continued growth for directors, executives and supervisors?

Ebbinge offers executive courses in a unique style

Continued growth for directors, executives and supervisors?

Our courses for directors, executives and supervisors from both the private and public sectors focus on leadership, personal development and individual effectiveness at the highest administrative level. Much attention is paid to self-reflection, boardroom dynamics, influential style and positioning in a complex field of stakeholders. Groups consist of some sixteen participants and much room is given for intervision, cases, peer-to-peer collaboration and reflection.

The sessions are led by experts from the daily practice of leadership and modern supervision. A course consists of seven or eight session days over a period of one year.

Continued growth for directors, executives and supervisors?

The value of a course for supervisors

“Does a course offer any added value, given my ample experience in governance and leadership?" An understandable question, as (prospective) supervisors usually possess considerable knowledge and ability in these fields. What extra leverage could a course offer?
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Available courses

Find out more about our courses here.

Toezicht Nieuwe Stijl
Voor huidige & toekomstige leden van RvC / RvT
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Toezicht Nieuwe Stijl in Private Equity
Voor huidige en toekomstige toezichthouders in private equity
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Toezicht Nieuwe Stijl voor de Zorg
Voor huidige & toekomstige leden van RvC / RvT
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Besturen in de Zorg
Voor toekomstige bestuurders in de zorg
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